Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer to your query, please do not hesitate to CONTACT us.
What does a school uniform cushion look like?
Our school patchwork cushions can be made up of any fabrics special to your child or teacher. Below is a photo of one of our cushions to show you how many different bits of uniform we can use.

Can I add nametapes and badges?
Have you ever wondered what to do with the treasured fabric badges your child has been awarded for musical and sporting achievements?
The badges look great sewn onto a cushion. Nametapes belonging to a school class, special group of friends, sports team or choir can be collected and added to the back of the cushion.
The cushion becomes a unique record of your child's time at his or her school or can be a fabulous leaving present for a special teacher with his or her class's nametapes on the back.

What uniform can be used?
We can use a huge variety of different items:
Rugby shirts, football shirts and cricket whites
School shirts (winter and summer)
School trousers/shorts
School skirts (winter and summer) and tunics
Blazers and coats
Summer dresses
Jumpers and socks (knee length everyday and sports), cotton tights
Tracksuits and sweatshirts
Sports polo shirts and skirts, shorts, lacrosse and hockey tops
Ballet and gym leotards and swimming costumes
T-shirts and hoodies from school trips
Coloured house t-shirts or house polo tops
How do I know what uniform to send?
You will be sent a detailed check list with a mailing bag to post your uniform to us once you have ordered your cushion on-line.
Please do CONTACT us if you would like to know how much uniform you will need to provide before you order your cushion.

Can I cut the uniform up to reduce the postage costs?
Yes, it’s fine to cut the uniform to reduce the bulk.
One cushion needs:
8 strips of uniform each measuring at least 35cm x 12cm in as many different colours and patterns as possible.
If you would like your cushion embroidered with a name and dates, please supply a piece of plain trouser/skirt/tunic measuring 45cm x 38cm, plus 7 other strips of uniform instead of the 8 strips.
The centre of the cushion uses a square of plain tunic or canvas sports shorts cut 28cm x 28cm (we can supply white, navy or black).
One school crest from a blazer, sweatshirt, jumper, sports kit. Please note minimum cut size is 14 cm x 14 cm with the crest in the middle and if using the blazer pocket please cut a minimum of 3 cm around the pocket to allow for trimming.
One school shirt with buttons down the front (not a poloshirt) is required for the back of the cushion, size 28 inch or larger.
A school tie, or patterned dress or shirt is used to pipe around the edge of the cushion. Please cut a 30cm x 45cm strip if supplying a shirt or dress.
I don’t want to cut up a perfectly good blazer. Is there an alternative?
Yes - All the fabric strips can be taken from un-saleable second-hand uniform at no cost, if you do not want to use your child’s own uniform.
Just ask at your school shop for items handed in that are too worn to be sold and cut the strips avoiding the paint stains and holes. Alternatively, send everything to us and we'll cut the strips for you.
Do I need to send all my child’s uniform?
We ask you to supply:
One item with school crest for centre of the cushion
5 - 6 items uniform ( if less is supplied 2 or more strips will be used on the design of each item of uniform)
1 school tie or patterned shirt for piping ( if you would like the tie to also be included on the front of the cushion, please supply 2)
1 x front buttoning school shirt 28 inches or larger
One set of uniform makes a few cushions, so why not see if a number of parents in your child’s class want to place orders?
Please do contact us if you would like to discuss further.
I would like an item of uniform included, but I can’t supply it.
Please CONTACT US to check with us if we have some from another order.
How long will it take to make my cushion?
It generally takes 4 weeks to make a cushion. However during our busy months, which are April to September, it can take 6 weeks. If you need one in a hurry, please CONTACT us and we will do our very best to fit your order in.
If you can order well ahead of the end of the school year, that would really help us to ensure you have your cushion in plenty of time.
Does my order qualify for a discount?
We give a discount of 10% on 10 or more cushions ordered together. This saving on the normal price can either go to the parents ordering the cushions or be used as a school fundraiser.
How do I organise a group order from my son's or daughter's class?
We regularly receive whole class orders. We can advise you about the uniform required and can send you an order form for you to forward on to interested parents. Orders over 10 cushions will receive a 10% discount. Please CONTACT us for more details.
Do I have to pay for postage if I live locally?
We offer FREE delivery of cushions to some local schools and anyone is welcome to collect their cushion from us.
Please CONTACT us for more information on this service and also to get a voucher code to stop postage being added to your order.